Last weekend I (Grandma [who] got ran over by a reindeer) was part of some detective work. Santa Claus was missing. In fact, a body was found that matched Santa Clause's profile. I was accused of the accident because of my motive and weapon. I had recently gone in busy with Gingy who ran away from the Muffin Man. We had our own famous cookie business. They were the best cookies in the house. No one but Santa knew that we had stolen the recipe from the Muffin Man. He threatened to turn us in unless we

Well the story goes on and after hours of investigation, we all concluded that Santa was an imposter. Buddy the elf was impersonating Santa. The impersonated Santa was acting a little strange and no one knew why. The conductor had enough after Santa fired him and got the most of Santa or whom he thought was Santa. Who founf the conductors and have him locked up in jail for life.
Just so everyone is clear, Santa is still alive and kicking, but Buddy the elf is another story. Christmas is finally back to normal for every one, even “grandma [who] got ran over by a reindeer.” Gingy and I have gotten things worked out with the Muffin Manso there are no more hard feeling their.
This was a Christmas murder mystery game I was involved in last week. I enjoyed it. I even got the prize for the person best in character. I guess I am a natural grandma.
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! From “Grandma [who] got ran over by a reindeer”, a.k.a. Tiff