Thursday, September 10, 2009

Grandpa and Grandma Pictures

Grandpa and Grandma Hortin
Grandpa Hortin and Ruby
Grandpa Grigg and Ruby
Grandma Grigg
RubyJo's favorite Nurse, JulieRuby is doing great. She is improving more and more everyday. Thank you for everyone's support.


Lisa said...

She is so beautiful!!! Thank you for posting. Prayers still coming your way.

Elizabeth said...

What a beautiful girl! Glad she's doing so well! If she's anything like Brayden, once she learns how to eat, she'll never want to stop! ;) Can't wait to see her in person!

haley said...

So glad to hear that she is doing better! That's such a scary thing to anticipate a healthy baby and then the delivery doesn't go exactly as planned and your heart gets twisted in every direction. With you and Matt as the parents, I'm not surprised that she's tough. Y'all have been in our prayers. Can't wait for her and Mitchell to meet. :)

ChristyLou said...

What a little sweetie! She looks a lot like Hallie to me. I'm so glad that she's improving! It's wonderful to see her getting snuggled by her adoring family...I can't wait to snuggle her too!

ChristyLou said...

PS-I LOVE the nickname RubyJo. It's fabulous and I can't wait to get the girls saying it. Cambri already says Ruby with the cutest little lisp (Woooby).

Michele Sekaquaptewa said...

Oh Tiff! She is absolutely beautiful, even with all her equipment! I want to help however I can. I'll come over and hold her if you just want to sleep for a few hours. I'll bring you dinner, whatever. Just give me a buzz and we can decide something that I can do for you, because you did so much for me. If you want a Jamba Juice, so be it! :) It breaks my heart that you didn't get to bring your precious little girl home immediately but I'm glad that you and Matt look happy in your pictures. You have been so blessed and Ruby is just a doll. Hope all continues to go well.

mamaroosh said...

She is adorable! and you look great Tiff! I'm excited to hear how today went. I love the picture of her and dad (Papa) looking at each other. Love you guys tons!

AnnMarie said...

Horray she's home! She is amazing! I especially love the picture of you, Tiff, holding Ruby. It just looks right :o)

P.S. So, I think Ruby has a twin. My brother John and his wife just had a baby girl on Sunday. She was 8lbs. 9oz. and had also sucked up some meconium. She's been in the NICU but it wasn't nearly as bad as Ruby's. I just thought that was a little weird.