I finally got the fabulous oppurtunity to wear the moomoo -I mean I graduated. These are some pictures of my graduation.
Dr. Zanandria was a professor of mine. She was also one of my advisors.

Trustino Anderson was in my ward for the last 3 years and was a great basketball teammate.

Becky was in my core for the PETE program. We spent a year and a half together in all of the same classes.

Stacey and Christen were two other girls in the PETE program. All 24 of us got to know each other pretty well.

Grandma Andersen and Myself

My parents, who helped make it possible for me to graduate!!!

Graduation Celebration with the roommies and the waiter!!!
Three reason why we were all happy in this picture:
3) Two of us graduated and the rest were finished with the semester!
2) The waiter was not bad looking!
1) We did not have to pay for the food at Olive Garden!

Brittney Brown
The roommate I suffered, laughed, cried, fought, and danced with for three CRAZY years and we survived.

Trustin, Ben, Me, Brittney, Jen
All Cinnamon Tree Tenants