Monday, July 30, 2007

The Bear Hunt Part 1

The is the start of our adventures with the bear hunt. Watch carefully because you may see some wild bears or squirls in the background. This took place at the Lake side of our campsite we hiked too. We had to have permits to hike here because this was the area where there have been many bear siting


AnnMarie said...

Who are your partners in crime. I thought you were silly, Tiff, but they take the cake. Nice bear hunting, I think your dad would be proud.

JS said...

Hey Tiff. You are hilarious! Remember m e... your long lost sister jen (Sorensen) Scott. hey it was fun seeing you like a year ago. I am glad I can keep up on your life now. See us...
Take care

LoriAnn Grigg said...

Hey Tiff didn't your mother ever teach you not to run with a knife in your hand? Where's the part where you had to stick your head into the ground? You are Hilarious. so proud you are my sister in law!