Ruby had a great Birthday! She got a lot of books from her parents, Nana and Papa and Aunt Janny. She loves them. She also got some cloths and toys. Ruby was great at opening everything up. She also had a lot of visitors. My parents, Joe, Jerusha, Steven and there boys came down. the really came down for a BYU football game but they all arrived on her birthday. i will post pictures of the game later.
Aunt Janny with all the amazing books she got Ruby.
She was a little excited about this truck.
the best present from Mom and Dad was the BYU football hat. I know, it's pink but it was the only hat Ruby would tolerant on her head.
Openening Cookie monster. She loves him. He is a great friend for long trips.
Happy Birthday Ruby!!! It has been a great first year. She is so much fun and is growing up so fast. Our little buddy.
Ruby struggled with eating the cake. She was a little confused. She is never this calm with her own food.
Happy Birthday Ruby. You just keep getting cuter.
I can't believe she's 1! And so cute. :)
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